The first and only portal dedicated to information about Palestine in Lithuanian language.

We are an independent collective who have been disseminating information about Palestine in the Lithuanian language since 2018. However, our personal involvement with Palestine dates back even further. As a registered non-profit entity, we have been operating since July 2023.

The goal of is to introduce Palestine to Lithuanians and counter the dominant zionist narrative. We aim to present a comprehensive picture of Palestine first as peoples with rich culture and history, and second as a colonised territory suffering from ongoing Israeli colonisation, occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing.

We are not affiliated with any political party or any other political, commercial or religious body / organization / force.

In November 2023 became a member of the European Network of Organizations in Solidarity with Palestine (ECCP).

  • To introduce Lithuania to Palestine – in Lithuanian language.
  • To translate and publish literature by Palestinian authors.
  • To organize cultural and civic initiatives on the topic of Palestine in Lithuania.
  • Publicize initiatives dedicated to Palestine in Lithuania.
  • We consider the Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom in the context of human rights, anti-imperialism and decolonisation.
  • We support the Palestinian people’s right to national self-determination and the right of return of all Palestinian refugees.
  • We support the right of the Palestinian people —  enshrined in international law — to resist oppression in any form, including armed resistance, as provided for in UN Resolution No. 37/43.
  • We stand against all and any forms of racism, discrimination, and hatred.
  • We recognize Israel as an occupying power based in Palestine, carrying out the colonisation and apartheid policy of the land and the peoples.
  • We do not identify people of the Jewish faith with Israel unless they themselves do so.
  • We consider Zionism a racist ideology.
  • We do not equate Zionism with Semitism, just as we do not equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.
  • Lithuanian public and media domain is dominated by a biased, pro-zionist narrative, which not only does not reflect reality, but often tries to hide or even justify Israel’s colonisation of Palestine, genocide and other crimes against humanity.
  • Lithuanian politicians and authorities, on behalf of the people, carry out policies favourable to Israel, thus enabling this apartheid and genocidal regime. As it is being done on behalf of all of us, we are obliged to stop it.
  • Having itself suffered the oppression of the tsarist empire, the military occupations of the Soviets and Nazis, and the economic blockade, Lithuania knows about occupation firsthand.
  • Like Palestine, Lithuania is a small nation that has often become a tool of the bigger and more powerful.
  • Like Lithuania, Palestine is fighting for its freedom.
  • Lithuania’s enduring Holocaust guilt cannot be a reason to support Israel, nor a justification for such support.

We published a wide range of materials about Palestine on various topics and in various formats – texts, videos, infographics about Palestinian culture, literature, politics, human rights, history, poetry.

We organised cultural and informational events, protests, online petition campaigns, and advocated for Palestine in the Lithuanian media. You can find the full list of our work below.

List of accomplishments

„[...] we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.“

Nelsonas Mandela


Do you want to collaborate? Would you like to support our work? Got other ideas?

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List of accomplishments




  • Protest action “I am Palestinian” against crimes against humanity committed by Israel.



  • We collected signatures to put pressure on the Lithuanian authorities to support the case filed by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice, which has already recognised that Israel is possibly committing genocide in Gaza. Using our mailer, over 480 individuals sent letters to the authorities of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • Eurovision without genocide: we called on LRT (Lithuanian public broadcaster) to take steps to ban genocidal Israel from participating in the European music contest. Using our mailer, over 400 individuals sent letters to the managing director of LRT calling to ban Israel from Eurovision.



  • Kairos. The right time. We sent the appeal of the Christians of Palestine to the Christians of the world (in e-form and by mail) to the majority of representatives of the Lithuanian church.
  • We collected the signatures of 642 people and organizations and handed them to the Lithuanian Parliament opposing Parliament’s support for Israel’s crimes in Gaza.
  • Advocated for Palestine on major Lithuanian media TV and radio programmes.
  • Facilitated pro-Palestine initiatives in Lithuania.
  • Translated and published over 40 poems by Palestinian authors.